The site design and evolution of the Guilty Bangles web site has been great fun and the look and feel of this site has progressed hugely over the first year.
This is a completely new venture for the business owner who has had significant input into the design, feel and navigation of the site that is continuously being developed.
In short, this is a study of how Magento is flexible and how you can evolve a site that really progresses a brand.
In conjunction with design, coding and hosting, GCM also help with the online marketing of the brand and have helped Guilty Bangles achieve great results for primary target search terms such as 'silver bangles' and 'mens silver bangles' within the first six months of going live.
Having a cleanly coded site with clear navigation, cross selling related products and custom gift vouchers and gift cards has all helped Guilty Bangles into a profitable first year of trading.
The evolution happens because GCM have worked closely with the business owner to alter the look and feel of the site, place the best-selling products in primary positions and analyse statistics so that potential customers are converted into paying customers in a very competitive industry.
For this new site to compete with multi million pound established competitors within the UK and to export their products worldwide within the first year of business is a stunning achievement.